Hi-Wire Brewery on June 29 from 5 pm. until 8 p.m.
We are stepping out of the library to bring the books to you! Join us at Hi-Wire Brewing, June 29th from 5p.m. – 8 p.m. for a fun night out and lend your support to the Friends Foundation of the Birmingham Public Library. Hi-Wire Brewery will be donating a portion of the sales of selected spirits to the Friends Foundation on this evening. The Friends Bookstore will be there with new items never seen in the store before! There will be no bag sales at this event, but there will still be great bargains to find. Hi-Wire Brewing is located at 2901 4th Avenue South, Suite 1-A.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Annual Events Sponsorship
Other library events and programs sponsored by the Friends Foundation include BPL’s Annual Staff Day, Annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon, Summer Learning Program, Bards & Brews Adult Poetry, and Teens Engineer BHM